
You might live in Maine if...

I have noticed that there are number of things that I have seen happen here in Bangor that I believe only happen in Maine, and i have decide to tell you about it all. Most of this has to do with winter because I’m still really cold.

You might live in Bangor, Maine if…
…you need to scrape the ice off the inside of your car windows as well as the outside.
…at twelve degrees with three inches of snow everyone says hey this is a mild winter.
…there are seven foot tall snow drifts in every store parking lot.
…your teeth feel cold after being outside for only a few seconds.
…the number of cars on the road doesn’t change when it’s a bright clear day and when there’s a foot of snow on the ground.
…when people talk you here an h sound where there should be an r.
…Canadians travel back north to a warmer climate.
…you find a pale pasty white Floridian.
…part of the daily news segment tells you how the snow on the mountain is for skiers.
…you would rather deal with a hurricane than this weather.

Ba ha ha ha…Jeff Foxworhty ain’t got nothin in me.


Aurora said...

Here's a comment for you....suck it up, soldier! (umm...you can erase this if you want to!)

Anonymous said...

ahhhhhhhhhhh your a wus....
it has barley snowed this winter...it has just begun being relaly cold again...u have had it easy this winter...

Anonymous said...

Thats Awesome Travis. Miss you much.

Dave C said...

Were any of you in Bangor during Ice Storm '98?

I was up on the roof of the corps building with a pick-axe and shovel! That was a rough winter!!

In His Grip,