
Moving on up, to the east side...

Well, moving is true enough. I can never seem to stay in one spot. I don’t have a twitch, but I am moving again. All my life being a salvo’s son I had to move. All through Florida then up to Arkansas and Oklahoma and back to Florida again. Then I go to TWC. I get to room 705 then I need to move to room 406 then after Christmas I head to room 108 then to room 402 and then I head out to Bangor I have the opportunity to stay in one room for more than three months I go back to Vancouver and I’m in room 402 then I need to move down the hall to room 406. Then I move back to Bangor. It never ends. I’m in a house right now and enjoying getting stuff moved in but I need to move to the front apartment because me living there by myself isn’t cost effective. Then in April I will be moving to Charlotte. Maybe I can find some consistency in living arrangements in North Carolina. I now know how the Nomads felt; I wonder how they got used to it. One thing I know for sure is I’m very good at moving know. I can pack up any truck and move furniture through any door. I wonder if that’s a spiritual gift?? Maybe I am destined to live a life of constant changing locations. Hmmm…


Aurora said...

Travis, it's amazing to see how you can thrive even under all these changing circumstances around you...we all know it's because you're deep in God's rock, which is really cool. He's the only thing that never changes!

Hezza said...

what will you do April 2 when you have a whole house to yourself?

R + H

Hezza said...

p.s. you never have to leave... (!)