
My apologies, Peaks Kenny, I don't want to leave

After my in depth blog yesterday I was shot down by Tara and called a blog thief. So I nned to recant a statement made yesterday. I said in my blog that she had the same idea as me, which was to blog our responses the question posed to her about Hebrews 4:6. She had the idea first so all the credit goes to her. She had her blog posted first and started typing first, but more importantly she had the idea to go to The handbook of Doctrine for an answer. She also has a shorter blog so you probably want to read that one rather than mine. So I am not a blog thief. My apologies...

I also need to do something that I don’t do yesterday. I remembered after Powerhouse that it was Chris’s Birthday. When I count to three every one should sing Happy Birthday to Chris. 1…2…3 Happy Birthday to you!! Happy Birthday to you!!! Happy Birthday…you get the idea. Chris turned 16 yesterday and soon can legally drive alone. Two points for Chris!!!

Okay, today some guys from powerhouse and some volunteers took a second trip to Peaks Kenny National Park (all organized by Charlie Liu WOOT WOOT!!). It was again a barrel of laughs and excitement. We ate more hot dogs, hamburgers, Cheez-It’s and chips than you could shake a stick at. No we weren’t gluttonous pigs we just had large appetites. The lake was really different form the last time I went there. Rather than there being cold and warm spots throughout the lake it was really warm today everywhere. We played with the Frisbee and we all dunked Nick eighty times. We also got a game of Ultimate Frisbee going. It didn’t work too well because the wind at the lake was pretty brutal but we still had fun. I said it before and I’ll say it again; Ultimate Frisbee has got to be absolutely best game in the world nothing can compare. It should be an Olympic sport. It was a mad crazy party and everybody had a blast. When all was said and done we came back to the corps and I realized that this was the last time I would see a couple of the volunteers from Powerhouse. I think I might cry. The back that I only have six days left has just really hit me. I really don’t want to leave but I know I must. I need to follow through with God’s path and not my own and if I don’t go back the Bangor Corps will have just wasted a couple hundred dollars on a plane ticket that I didn’t use….Doug would kill me. I really am going to miss everybody here. I feel like I’m leaving camp for the summer all over again (blahhhh). You would think I’d be used to it by, having been moved around every few years with my parents, but I think leaving friends is something you never really get comfortable with…I like that. It’s a good thing. Wow if I hate leaving Bangor so much I’m going to be a wreck when graduation comes around. Bummer.


Tara Ayer said...

For the record, the whole blog stealing thing...jokes. It's all for the glory of God. And apparently, there are no original ideas anyway.

Jerrica said...

i wish u didn't have to leave either but u can always come back and see us... well hope god sends u back here... well ttyl byebye loves